Professional Speaking, Mentorship, Training & Team Building

 Step Out 

6 Essentials that will help you step towards your destiny

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”

                                                                                                                - Robert F. Kennedy

We are all given the same opportunities in life. However, only those who step out can be able to see those opportunities. And although many can step out and see those opportunities, very few people cease the opportunities within their reach. In other words, they are unwilling to step up to the challenge that comes with the opportunity. In this life changing talk we touch on the following essentials:

1. Authentic Living

2. A Clear Vision

3. An Unchangeable Core

4. An Audacious Hope

5. A Courageous Spirit

6. A Touch of Madness

Balance In The Workplace


This presentation looks at How To Find Your Balance at Work And Achieve The Results You Desire. The presentation is motivational and practical in nature as it challenges participants to debunk some of the myths about success in the workplace. It has value for everybody in the organisation as it looks at how different generations view work and then dealing with how to find balance at work.


Owning The Future


The future of individual and business success is very different to anything we have experienced before. The accelerated changes in Politics, Technology, Management, Leadership, Demographics and Economics are altering the look and pace of business. Individuals and businesses that are prepared will prosper and own the future while the unprepared will flounder. This presentation looks at what it will take own the future by looking at some secrets that must be applied now. It is delivered in an entertaining way using multi-media, while leaving participants with practical tools to implement now.

Owning The Future is a must for organisations and individuals that are serious about being at the forefront and lead the wave of the new economy. While it gives a very strategic and futurist message, it is also light in style. Inspiring, eye-opening, practical and full of ideas you can walk out and apply immediately.


Afro-centric Leadership



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There is no need to look across the seas for inspiration and direction when it comes to leadership. Africa has birthed some of the greatest leaders, throughout history, and right up to this present day. What made them stand out as great leaders of their day? What makes one person stand out head and shoulders above the rest in the competitive area of leadership? This seminar looks at leaders in Africa and explores and applies the priorities and codes they lived by. You will be able to evaluate your own leadership strengths and weaknesses and leave with a plan of how to follow in their footsteps.


Passion to Success


This Presentation will help teams, organizations and individuals to be clear about what their passion is and in turn using this passion to spur them on to success in their field. Without passion work is a chore, without passion vision statements are just words on paper. Passion is the fire that pushes winners to be world class and organizations to excel beyond expectations. Organizations that are clear about their passion and encourage their employees to live and work with passion daily stand out in the marketplace. It will lead to job/work fulfillment and customer surprise and delight!

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